Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ah! The disappointment!

I had my first house “jilting” yesterday. I found this beautiful little brick bungalow, it has a cute little front porch-perfect for swinging on- a nice front room with big windows, a decent sized mother-in-law suite, and a fenced in back yard! I had all these plans for what I was going to do with this house, which as I found out is never a good idea; it just gets your hopes up! I was going to paint the front room peacock blue and buy some nice steel-grey sofas, and the back yard was going to have a lovely little vegetable garden.

I put an offer on this house on Tuesday, and waited impatiently to find out if they accepted. Late last night I came to find out that not only was my offer not accepted, but the owners didn’t even get to see my offer! The realtor held it from them so they would take another offer. I have some theories about this realtor, but most of them are not very nice and involve her being unloved as a child.

So it is back to square one for me! I am back at the looking stage of buying a home, which kind of stinks but I am sure the next house I put an offer on will be “the one”! It will, of course, be perfect for my needs; it will have a huge fire place, beautiful hard wood floors, and have bigger bedrooms! At least that I what I keep telling myself!

Stay tuned! Next week’s adventure- Andrea meets Mr. Right aboard the Love Boat! (Otherwise known as Carnival Cruise) cue the music


  1. Have I told you about my newly developed talent of telling the future? Right now I'm seeing a hot, crazed blonde egging a certain realtors signs all over Utah Valley. Wow! Am I good or what? It's a gift, really...

  2. I bet Mr. Right and the perfect house will go hand in hand... wink wink!

  3. First of all - HOORAY for ANDREA BLOG! I am so excited that now I can stalk you from the comfort of my home (:
    Second, I am so excited that you're going to buy a house. I am sorry this one didn't work out, though. That realtor sounds like a loser. I am sorry that happened.
    Good luck on the hunt! I am so excited to see what you find!!

  4. Andrea! How exciting to be buying a home. Best of luck--what ever home you buy I am sure it will look amazing after you have decorated it; you have a great sense of style.
