Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I was at work today looking through some folders on my computer for a file I used a year ago, while searching I found a picture I had created with my friend Micah while we were both extremely bored at work.

It started out as a fun game, I would draw something he would add on to it and we would continue with that until we ended up with this fantastic picture. I should add that we drew this in the microsoft paint program. I could be wrong, but I think that adds to the fantastic-ness of it.

I call this "ninja: the silent, swinging killer".


  1. This is the best use of Microsoft Paint I have ever seen. Perhaps you should print this out for your desk. That is, if you haven't already.

  2. OH I have! Its a big poster that we keep in the conference room. Just to remind everyone what could happen.

  3. Conference Room! Desk!! Are you kidding me? I want this for my living room! I will tell my kids that I am the ninja, and better mind me. That won't do any permanant damage, right?

  4. This is the most magnificent thing I have ever - or will ever see.
    Beware Ninjas.
    Particularly the tree ninja variety.
